It’s that time of the year again for Rebels’ Bounty, an initiative of Cork GAA that gives clubs a significant opportunity to raise funds. Each club has a minimum target of tickets to sell, with 100% commission to clubs above target. Since its inception in 2021, Russell Rovers has benefited thanks to your generous support.
As special bonus to all our loyal Rebels’ Bounty members, Russell Rovers are offering (all entries before the end of February) a chance to win a trip to the Champions Cup weekend in Dublin this May, prize includes;
• 2 premium level tickets to both the challenge and challenge cup finals
• 2 nights at a 4* Dublin Hotel.
If you’re pay monthly by direct debit you don’t need to do anything as you will automatically renewed
If you pay annually, you can renew by giving €100 directly to a committee member or you can renew directly here
In 2022, a Russell Rovers member won €3,000.
Please see the attached brochure for more information, and else contact our Treasurer, David Whelehan on 0860727834 or email